What Is Dental Bonding?

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a simple dental procedure that entails the application of a resin material to bond it to the treated tooth in order to improve or restore its function and appearance. It is one of the most affordable and easiest cosmetic dentistry treatments available today. Dr. Roman Dziubyk, Dr. Lorelei Grise', and Dr. Michelle Radeka, our dentists here at Suburban Family Dental in Des Plaines, IL, use dental bonding for repairing minor teeth concerns.

Why You Might Need Dental Bonding

Your dentist might recommend bonding if you have:

  • Cracks and/or chips in your teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Small spaces in between teeth
  • Shorter than normal teeth that need elongating
  • Unevenly shaped teeth
  • An exposed tooth root that requires protection due to receding gums

Your dentist in Des Plaines, IL, may likewise suggest dental bonding as an alternative to a traditional dental filling.

The Dental Bonding Procedure

Due to the simplicity of the procedure, bonding doesn’t really require extensive preparation. Anesthesia is usually not needed unless the procedure will be used for filling a decayed tooth and the chip is close to a nerve or if the tooth requires buffing to modify its shape before bonding. Your dentist will ensure that the shade of the bonding will blend seamlessly with your natural tooth color.

Your tooth’s surface will then be buffed slightly to make it more adherent and applied with a conditioning agent to ensure that the bonding will adhere better to your tooth. The bonding material, a putty-like, tooth-colored resin will then be applied, shaped, and smoothened to the proper shape, after which a laser or blue light will be used for hardening the material and securing it in place.

Once the material has hardened, it will be further shaped, trimmed, and polished to perfectly match the shade and sheen of your tooth. In general, bonding will take 30 minutes to an hour per tooth depending on the extent of the procedure.

Caring for Your Newly Bonded Teeth

Bonded teeth don’t really need special care. You just need to follow proper hygiene practices. This includes brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing them once daily. You should likewise rinse your mouth with mouthwash once a day at least and visit your dentist for routine examinations and cleanings.

In addition, since the dental bonding material can chip, it’s vital to avoid habits that can damage it, including biting your fingernails and chewing on hard items like ice, pens, candies, and others. In the event that you feel sharp edges on your bond tooth or you feel that something’s off with it when biting down, visit your dentist for a checkup.

Interested in Getting Dental Bonding?

Arrange a consultation with one of our dentists, Dr. Roman Dziubyk, Dr. Lorelei Grise', or Dr. Michelle Radeka to learn more about the procedure. Call Suburban Family Dental in Des Plaines, IL, at (847) 640-0778 for more details.